Tuesday Market: Information for Stallholders

Bedale Town Council is always keen to hear from Market Stallholders both those new to Bedale Market considering trading and those who already trade on the Tuesday Market.

New traders will need to let the Market Superintendent know

  • Your name and contact details
  • the size of pitch you require (the stall frontage and depth in metres)
  • the products/produce you plan to sell on the market*
  • You will also need to bring your certificate of insurance to show the Superintendent the first time that you trade on the market

*Because of its small size the Market is currently a 'One Line' market where duplicate stalls are not permitted. Should the market grow significantly in size this restriction will be reviewed.

Permanent and Casual Traders

Significant benefits are available to those traders who decide to trade on the market every week.

Permanent Traders benefit from:

  • Reduced weekly rent
  • Significant additional discount in January to March
  • Guaranteed regular pitch on the Market

Market Documents

Application to sell foodstuffs on Bedale (Tuesday) Market
Disciplinary procedure for stallholders - Bedale (Tuesday) Market
Application form for new traders to Bedale (Tuesday) Market
Regulations for stallholders - Bedale (Tuesday) Market
Charges for stallholders

Market Information


Mr Phil Matthews
Market Superintendent

Please note that the Market Superintendent is only employed by the Council on a Tuesday morning.


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