Administration Information

Bedale Town Council employs a Clerk and an Assistant Clerk. 

The Role of Clerk and Assistant Clerk

The Clerk and Assistant Clerk provide independent, objective information and advice on policies, procedures, legal and ethical points, working with the Chair of the Council (Mayor) to ensure the council makes lawful decisions and that meetings are effective.

The Clerk also provides administrative and management support to the full council and its committees, acts as its Responsible Financial Officer, implements council decisions, and is the custodian of parish records not deposited elsewhere. 

The role includes:

  • ensuring that the council conducts its business lawfully
  • administering all the council's paperwork
  • preparing meeting papers and ensuring councillors and the public are aware of meetings
  • implementing council decisions and policies
  • overseeing the implementation of projects
  • supervising staff and contractors engaged by the council
  • keeping property registers and other legal documents
  • keeping up to date with legal and best practice issues in council management by undertaking training and qualifications

Town Clerk: Nick Reed

 Assistant Clerk: Christine Brown

Council Documents

For information about the Council's budget, Financial practice and Audit trail please see Finance & Audit

To view a list of the Council's governing documents please see Council Documents

Contact Bedale Town Council

Nick Reed, Town Clerk

Room 13, Bedale Hall
North End

Tel: 01677 427949
Email: [email protected]

Office Opening Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm

Contact the Council

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