Bedale Town Councillors

Amanda Coates


John Howe


Mike Barningham


Andrew Hallett


Pamela Hallett


David Ingram


Christine Mollard

Deputy Mayor

John Noone


Dawn Culver


Emma Wells


Amanda Coates | Councillor


Registration of Interests.

Mandi has lived in Bedale for almost 25 years having moved here to be nearer to her late husband’s place of work.  She has three children.

Why I am a Councillor:

“Becoming a councillor wasn’t something I had planned to do. I came along to meetings to find out about the area, became interested and then became a Councillor to be more involved. The things that motivate me are new challenges. I am a very positive person and strive to keep looking on the positive side.”

What I want for Bedale:

“I would like Bedale to be the place to shop and for families to want to visit and enjoy.  Bedale is a lovely friendly place to live and work.”

Summary statement:

“I will as a Councillor endeavour to listen and to do my best for the Town of Bedale. I have enjoyed living here and would hope the same for others.”


John Howe | Mayor


Address: 28 Ascough Wynd, Aiskew, Bedale, DL8 1AT

Register of Interests.


John is married with two grown-up children and has lived in the town since 2002. He is a retired Planning Officer who has had two spells with Hambleton District Council,; in the mid 1970's (when his office was The Ballroom in Bedale Hall!) and from 2003 to 2015 when he retired for the second time. His main area of work was in Bedale itself and the surrounding villages. He is a volunteer with the Bedale Tourist Information Centre and involved with the Bedale "Litter Busters".

Why I Became a Councillor

Although I retired in 2015 many people did not realise this and would stop me in the street and ask me questions about current issues! I therefore decided that it would make sense to remain involved and try to have an input into maintaining and improving the special character and vitality that the town has. To drive into the town from the direction of Crakehall and see St Gregory's Church, Bedale Hall and the sweep of the Georgian buildings is something which always makes me feel grateful to be able to live here. In addition to conserving its original characterful buildings we need to maintain the community spirit and economic vitality to safeguard its future.

What I Wish For Bedale

Every time I work a shift at the Tourist Information Centre at least one person will come in and say "What a lovely part of the world this is". It is true and I want Bedale to continue to have this appeal for visitors and also to remain a great place to run a business or service and to live and bring up a family.


Mike Barningham | Councillor


Address: Pine Lodge, Pinewood Grove, Bedale, DL8 2BQ

Register of Interests.

Mike has lived in Bedale and Bedale District for all of his life is married and has 3 grown up children who were all educated in Bedale. He is semi-retired but continues to run his own consultancy business. He previously worked as a Building and Planning advisor for government bodies for 26 years and prior to that as a qualified Builder. He has a degree in Town Planning. His hobbies include cycling, caravan holidays and gym classes.

Mike also represents Bedale as a Councillor on Hambleton District Council.

Why I am a Councillor:

“This is my second time serving on Bedale Town Council, first being a Councillor in early 2000. I have always had an interest in my local community and have been on various committees including School Governors, Bedale Hall, Bedale Scouts and Guides and Bedale & Village Community Forum. I believe that everyone should give back some time and contribute to the community in which they are part of.”

What I want for Bedale:

“I want Bedale to preserve its historic market place and important buildings, have a vibrant business and retail centre for residents and visitors and grow in a natural organic way to benefit all.”

Summary statement:

“I am always available to help should you have any issues you would like to raise or discuss.”


Andrew Hallett | Councillor


Address: 71 Stapleton Close, Bedale, DL8 2UA

Register of Interests.

Andrew lives in Bedale with his wife having moved here in 2004. He is now retired following a career in the MOD Police. He spends much of his time serving the community volunteering for: Saving Yorkshire’s Dogs (SYD), Bedale Community Library, The Cinnamon Trust, and Sue Ryder. He is currently Chair of Trustees of the newly formed Bedale Community Library CIO.

Why I am a Councillor:

“I am impressed by the character of Bedale and by the friendliness and community spirit of its people. Bedale has an expanding community and with the number of existing and projected new housing developments its infrastructure is coming under increasing pressure. I want to ensure that Bedale is able to meet the challenges that these pressures bring without losing those qualities which makes it special and unique.

As part of the democratic decision making process my wish is to represent the residents of Bedale in an effort to ensure that they benefit from future developments and initiatives and that they feel that their concerns are being recognised, acknowledged and addressed.”

What I want for Bedale:

“Having a library in Bedale is very important to me. I helped petition against the library becoming a Community Managed Library with the loss of its paid staff. Inevitably, due to cuts imposed by Central Government, NYCC decided that libraries would be a casualty."

"The Bedale, Aiskew and Leeming Bar bypass/relief road will bring a long awaited reduction in the congestion due to the amount of traffic passing through Bedale. What I do not want to see is Bedale passed by; initiatives need to be developed to keep Bedale an attractive and safe place to stop and spend some time.”

Summary statement:

“Bedale is a great place to live. If you have any concerns that you wish to bring to the attention of the Council that cannot be answered or addressed elsewhere on this site then please feel free to contact me.”


Pamela Hallett | Councillor


Address: 71 Stapleton Close, Bedale, DL8 2UA

Register of Interests.

Pam has lived in Bedale with her husband Andy since 2004. She has a daughter and four grandchildren so spends time supporting and encouraging them and enjoying their company when they come to stay. Since leaving her permanent post in the Teaching Profession she has looked for ways to give something back to her local community. She has been a Trustee, Secretary and Volunteer at Bedale Community Library and is a founder member and current President of Bedale Twinning Association. She also undertakes Benevolence visits for her Teacher Trade Union, the NASUWT and is on the Executive Committee of the Richmondshire and Hambleton Branch which meets in Bedale.

Her hobbies and interests include reading, listening to music, taking singing lessons, playing various instruments at a beginner level, Scrabble, crosswords, antiques, art, jewellery design and studying. She also attends conferences and events organised by the NASUWT on a regional and national level. She has an ongoing passion for education, for the welfare of children and young people and for the NHS. She is delighted that Bedale is the second town to have ‘Makaton Friendly’ status.

Why I am a Councillor

I decided to stand as I wholeheartedly believe in democracy. I also feel that the composition of any Council should reflect the population which it is elected to serve and, having attended two Council meetings, I felt that there was a gender imbalance which I could, in a small way if elected, start to redress. I also have a heart for the people who perhaps are feeling that they do not have a voice, that there is no one to listen to their concerns or help them to find solutions or at least take them forwards. I have a heart for the lonely and the elderly, for the single parents, for those who may feel that they are isolated in their struggles and I hope that I can make even a small positive difference to their situations in that they feel that there is someone who will at least listen.

I have undertaken courses of study throughout my career, as studying to improve my education and my knowledge base are important to me. During the last fifteen years of my professional life I had the opportunity to move, part time at first, into the world of my Teacher Trade Union. I became a caseworker, negotiator and trainer, delivering courses around the UK. I was also elected on to the National Executive in 2004, staying there for 11 years, which broadened my experience; all of which, I hope, will better equip me for Council life. I am not afraid of hard work and I will do my best for the community which I serve.

What I want for Bedale

I would love to see the town and its environs retain the vibrancy and character which have been so much part of its life since I first got to know Bedale more than twenty years ago. Although there are well understood challenges, a key part for me would be to see full occupancy of our Market Place shops. This is an aspiration which I hope we will achieve in the fullness of time.

I would like to know that residents feel safe in their own homes and on the streets of Bedale and surrounding villages. It concerns me that many of our elderly people are afraid to go out in the evenings once it gets dark. It concerns me also that many services are being squeezed, all the more since Covid and recent world events, and a great worry to a large number of people is the withdrawal of A&E provision at the Friarage Hospital.

Summary Statement

I care very much about Bedale, its environs and its people and will do everything I can to serve them well.


David Ingram | Councillor


Address: 5 Pinewood Grove, Bedale, DL8 2BQ

Register of Interests.

My name is David Ingram and I have lived in Bedale for the last 16 years, I am married and have two sons who both attend Bedale High School. Myself and my wife, both former members of the Armed Forces, settled in Bedale whilst still serving. Bedale is a friendly town, a place that once you have spent an hour or two here it feels like you have been here for ever. A peaceful and safe environment in which to bring up a young family. At the age of 54, having served nearly 30 years in the Army, and now managing a supermarket, I feel now is the time when I could and would like to give something back to the community.

In the time we have lived in Bedale we have been very impressed with the sense of community that is clearly visible through events such as the amazing annual Bonfire and Fireworks and Christmas Fair. Both these events also bring visitors in to the town, so helping boost the local economy as well as encouraging return visits to investigate and take in all that Bedale has to offer.

I am passionate about the Bedale and the surrounding environment and looking after this fantastic town we live in, ensuring as a generation we secure it’s future for those that follow us. I have joined Bedale Town Council as I feel I have the skills to help keep up the excellent work that the Council carries out and would love to be part of it and give back to the community.


Christine Mollard | Deputy Mayor


Address: 14 Newton Crescent, Leeming, DL7 9TB

Register of Interests.

Christine has lived in the Bedale area since 2000 with her husband David. Her two children attended Bedale High School and she was involved in the Friends of Bedale High School fundraising group for 12 years.

Christine worked in Sales and Marketing until 2007 when she had to give up work when she lost a lot of her sight and was diagnosed with MS. Her hobbies include gardening, she and her husband have an allotment on Masham Rd, cooking, holding garden parties for family and friends and also as charity fundraising events.

Why I am a Councillor:

“My main reason for being a Councillor is that I hope to make a difference. I always feel that wherever I live, I should be part of that community and should involve myself in all that happens there and be able to give something back. When I could no longer work I found I had a lot of free time and wanted to put it to good use. If I can make Bedale a better place to live and work then I will be happy.”

What I want for Bedale:

"I want to see Bedale go from strength to strength…to be a lovely place to live in, work in and to visit. I am a realist and realise that to prosper we have to move with the times. We cannot just rest on our laurels and say ‘Bedale is an old fashioned market town and that’s the way it should stay’ because that just won’t work. We have to keep pace with the 21st century but not let it spoil the feel of the town. This is the challenge we face."

Summary statement:

 “I hope you find this site helpful but if you want any more information then please contact me.”


John Noone | Councillor


Address: 30 Brookside Close, Bedale, DL8 2DR

Register of Interests.

John is a Bedale man who lives in the town with his wife. Their three, now grown up, children all attended Bedale schools. He runs his own business selling print supplies and enjoys hobbies of music, football and films. He has served as a Councillor with Hambleton District Council since 2011.

Why I am a Councillor:

“I have lived in the town since 1963 and want what all residents want; the best for Bedale. I know that without dedicated Councillors the town will suffer.”

What I want for Bedale:

“All the issues that affect Bedale are important to me."

Summary statement:

"Bedale is a great place to live and work.”


Dawn Culver | Councillor


About Me:

Dawn has had a varied career. After travelling the world on various ships (mainly oil tankers) as a radio operator, she raised her two, now grown up, children, had her own therapy business, and sold furniture to the trade – including a £1m contract for a new Disney cruise ship, - and was a trade manager for a craft company, even appearing on a TV selling channel!

In 2017, a sudden and massive heart attack led to a radical change of lifestyle and Dawn took a position with a local hospice charity in the Hambleton District, subsequently becoming manager of the Bedale shop. Dawn loved the place and the people so much that she and her husband Gary decided to move to Aiskew early last year … she now walks to work rather than commute!

Why I Wanted to Become a Councillor:

“We love the area and the community and when a customer (who happens to be a councillor) suggested I should become a councillor I was happy to find out more …. And here I am!”

What I Want For Bedale:

“I would love to see Bedale thrive, but to retain its lovely community despite its growth, and if I can help it to do that I will.”

Emma Wells | Councillor


Register of Interests.

Dr Emma J. Wells is an ecclesiastical and architectural historian, currently working in the private sector. She is a trustee of the Churches Conservation Trust as well as an author and broadcaster who champions Yorkshire through her work (even writing a weekly column for Welcome to Yorkshire on the county’s interesting buildings). Emma is passionate about Bedale, having lived either in or within a few miles of the historic market town her entire life. She is also the granddaughter of a prominent local couple who owned a business in the town, and is thus keen to continue their legacy by being an advocate for local residents and providing more of a bridge between the community to ensure all voices are heard in relation to their needs and concerns.

Contact Bedale Town Council

Nick Reed, Town Clerk

Room 13, Bedale Hall
North End

Tel: 01677 427949
Email: [email protected]

Office Opening Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm

Contact the Council

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