
We now have useful new pages on the Bedale Town Council website, one with links to all planning applications within the town for the previous two years, and one with a map of the parish, which shows the precise area within which Bedale Town Council works.

Published by: Nick Reed

Applications are now open for local charities, voluntary groups, and non-profit making organisations to run a car boot sale in 2025. To find out more and apply, go to this page. By popular demand we will be running sales on four Bank Holiday Mondays as well as Saturdays between March and October.

Published by: Christine Brown

Reminder not to fly drones near RAF Leeming! From the station... "As the weather improves, we have unfortunately become aware of two incursions on the airfield by drones. I’m sure you are aware that such incidents present a significant safety risk, which is why regulations and Restriction Zones have been imposed by the Civilian Air Authority. Further information is in The Drone Code, published by the CAA... [RAF Leeming takes] air safety very seriously and hope that we can work tog...
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Published by: Nick Reed

Since the granting of a Market Charter by King Henry III in 1251, there has been a market in Bedale’s cobbled market place every Tuesday. The current market has stalls including fresh and hand-made foods, clothes, plants, crafts and other delights, and Bedale Town Council is committed to see the town’s historic market prosper. New traders wishing to stand on Bedale Market, either permanently or on a casual basis, should contact the Market Superintendent, via th...
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Published by: Nick Reed